Personal and Spiritual Growth Can Be Fun!
Play the Transformation Game® at Findhorn Area
A proven tool that has been played by thousands of people for over 45 years. An effective way to clarify important issues, resolve conflicts, and enhance relationships.
Angel Card for You

Take a few moments to tune into this quality. Intuitively listen to messages from your angel.
What's New
A two-week English residential facilitators training at the Findhorn Community. 10-23 May, 2025
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Do you want to live your full potential?
The Transformation Game® can offer you opportunities to look deeply into your life and identify practical steps to resolve issues, stand fully in your power, and change your world. The Game can give you insights into a variety of areas in your life. Below are just some examples. You will bring your own intention to the Game.
To have better relationships
Do you find yourself in the same relationship patterns over and over again? Get insights on different ways to deal with similar situations next time.
To take your career to the next level
Is there anything that you need to learn or let go of in order to move forward? Identify obstacles and acknowledge your strength.
To boost your confidence
Discover a new perspective of yourself. Have you taken time to appreciate yourself? Count your blessings and take an inventory of your gifts and wisdom.
To live from your heart and soul
Immerse yourself in spiritual awareness through attunements, meditations, Angel cards, and more. Listen to and align with your true heart’s desire.
Ways to play the Transformation Game
- Buy the Transformation box Game and play with your friends using the basic rules
- Play with an accredited facilitator for a deeper experience
- Join the Game events we offer at the Findhorn Community, the birthplace of the Transformation Game
If you would like to bring your group to play the Transformation Game at Findhorn, please contact us.
Available for anyone to purchase. Can be played by up to 4 players with or without a facilitator.
The original table-top Game that has been played by thousands since 1970’s. We offer 5-day workshops
A short and powerful tool that stemmed from the Game, using Insight, Setback and Angel cards only.
The first version of the Game to be played publicly, in 1978. The Game path is laid out on the floor and Players walk on it.
Group Game is good for group building and can take up to 20 players. For larger groups, the Community Game is more suitable; this has a bigger Game Path.
A unique coaching tool that provides a quick and simple method for creatively interacting with and transforming challenging or innovative situations in the workplace.
Thanks to the modern-day technologies, these events can bring people together from all over the world without increasing CO2 emissions. You can play the Game from the comfort of your living room.
A two-week residential facilitators training. This intense training will help you take your Game experience to a deeper level. Training is available in 11 languages and 19 countries.
Any opportunity to participate in the Transformation Game, whatever form it takes, always provides the means to engage and expand awareness of self and others in both personal and global ways.
Workshop Participant

About us
We are a representative of the local Game community in Findhorn area.
We organise and run workshops, trainings and events in partnership with InnerLinks and the Findhorn Founcation using various versions of the Transformation Game.
We are committed to support transformation in individuals and groups to help create a better and more sustainable world.
Bestseller Products
You can start your transformational journey at your home.
Sold over a milion copies. Available in English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, and Chinese. Click here for non-English versions.
All the Game paraphernalia in a box. Available in English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, and Russian. Click here for non-English versions.
A set of 100 Insight cards, 100 Setback cards, and 72 angel cards, with an instruction booklet. For one or more players.
Happy Players
Since its birth in 1970’s thousands of people from all over the world have played different versions of the Game of Transformation.