Thank you for booking our workshops/trainings

Please use the details below to make your payment. All payments should be made in GBP.

Bank Transfer:

If you are sending money from outside the UK, please ensure you include any additional amount needed to cover currency conversion and bank charges.


Bank of Scotland

Name: Yasuko Takahashi

Sort code: 80-46-35
Account number: 18062769 
IBAN: GB18BOFS80463518062769




Name: Yasuko Takahashi
Account number: 45847212
Sort code: 23-14-70
Use when sending money from the UK
IBAN: GB83 TRWI 2314 7045 8472 12
Use when sending money from outside the UK
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited, 56 Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6JJ, United Kingdom

Via Square (Credit Card):

A 3% credit card processing fee will be added to the workshop fees.

Via Revolut (Credit/debit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay):

A 3% credit card processing fee will be added to the workshop fees. THIS OPTION WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON.