Facilitators Training Application Form

In our application form, we ask you some personal questions. As you may already know, the Transformation Game is a highly personal experience. Participating in the Facilitators Training for the Transformation Game asks for that same level of personal sharing and depth. We therefore ask you to answer all the questions as openly as you can. We, in our turn, will treat your application form with discretion and respect.


Please read carefully about the training information. If you decide you’d like to do the training, these are the steps to take now:

* Complete and submit the application form

* Pay a deposit of £650 or full training fees to secure your place.


Part of the deposit (£250) is non-refundable once you’ve been accepted for the training and the rest (£400) is the manual fee. If your application is successfully accepted, we will send you the payment details.


Once we receive your payment, we will send you your copy of the Facilitators Manual of Advanced Rules, so you have time to read it and familiarise yourself with it, as well as using it to facilitate at least 3 practice games or more before the programme begins. Please take this preparation seriously as it affect/increase your chance to be accredited at the end of the training.

Each of the above prices includes training fees, a single room for 14 nights, and meals. The standard price covers basic expenses. If you require concessions, please select the Supported price. If you are able to support others, please select the Pay-It-Forward price. To secure your spot, please submit an application fee of £650 (£250 of which is non-refundable) or pay the training fee in full upon receiving the payment link within 7 days. Failure to pay the application fee and/or training fee will result in cancellation.
If you select Other, please inquire by emailing us at worshops@transformationgamefindhorn.com
Please followed the instruction in the email.
We do our best to meet your needs, but we cannot guarantee this would be the case.
This agreement has been designed in order to protect the interests of participants in the Transformation Game Facilitators Training, the Accredited Facilitators of the Transformation Game, and InnerLinks, the creators of the Transformation Game and its Facilitators Training. It is based on the desire to maintain high quality standards of facilitation that will honour and maintain a level of purity in both intricacy and spirit with the life energy of the Transformation Game. We ask you to do the same.

1. After being accepted for the training, £250 of my £650 deposit is non-refundable.

2. I will be notified of my acceptance for the training within a period of two weeks of my completed application form by InnerLinks.

3. I will pay the remainder of the cost of the training eight weeks before the start of the training.

4. If I cancel my participation in the training up to eight weeks before the start of the training, I will receive a refund of £400 if the manual has not yet been sent out and if your space is filled.

5. If I cancel my participation in the training up to eight weeks before the start of the training, I will receive a refund of £200 if the manual has been sent out if your space is filled.

6. No refunds can be given if I cancel my participation in the training less than eight weeks before the start of the training.

7. I am expected to come to the training well prepared: having familiarised myself with the Facilitators Manual and having played several practice Games using this Manual.

8. Taking the training does not automatically guarantee accreditation as a facilitator; accreditation is given depending on the level of competence in facilitation. Full or Provisional Accreditation is given at the discretion of the Trainer(s).

9. The Facilitators Manual is part of the accreditation process. It is not an instruction booklet that can be purchased separately.

10. If for any reason I am not accredited by InnerLinks as a Transformation Game Facilitator, I will return the Facilitators Manual to the InnerLinks trainers before I leave the training and no refunds are given.

11. If I choose to leave the Training at any time, I forfeit my Training fee. The Trainer(s) reserve the right to ask me to leave the programme at any point during the course. In the unlikely event that I am asked to leave the Training, I will be refunded a proportional amount for any unattended sessions.

12. All documents, information and materials provided to me in connection with the Transformation Game Facilitators Training are for my own use as a facilitator and player of The Transformation Game, and may not be copied or otherwise reproduced or used by me or any other person or entity for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of InnerLinks.

13. The Transformation Game Facilitators Training is intended and designed solely to assist me in improving my skills as a facilitator and player of the Transformation Game in order to enable me to facilitate Transformation Game workshops, but it is not intended nor designed to train me to hold my own Transformation Game Facilitators Training which is not sponsored by or otherwise authorised by InnerLinks.

14. I acknowledge that my unauthorised reproduction of the Facilitators Manual or the use of the Facilitators manual in an unauthorised facilitators training programme will result in immediate and irreparable harm to InnerLinks. I acknowledge and agree that there is no adequate remedy for such failure and I agree that in the event of such failure, InnerLinks shall be entitled to equitable relief by way of temporary and permanent injunctions and such other relief as any court may deem just and proper.
InnerLinks UK Privacy Policy

InnerLinks is committed to protecting and respecting your personal data.
This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data InnerLinks collects from you, or that you provide to InnerLinks, will be processed by InnerLinks.


When you write to us enquiring about a programme or product:
• Your name and email address; possibly also your address, phone number, gender.

We use this information to communicate with you about your enquiry or application. This information is stored during any enquiry or application process. If you decide against taking a particular programme but ask or agree to be kept informed of future programmes, we keep this information in order to contact you with news of those future programmes. When we contact you, we ask if you wish us to continue to keep you informed of future programmes, or to take you off our lists.

When you book a programme via the Transformation Game Findhorn:
• Your name, address, phone number, email address, nationality, date of birth, gender, medical and special dietary information.
• Personal information in a specialized application form.
• Agreements
This information is stored in a secure place and is used by the InnerLinks staff, workshop facilitators or trainers to fulfill our contractual obligations and our duty of care responsibilities.
It is also processed and stored by the Transformation Game Findhorn, in conjunction with whom InnerLinks runs most of our programmes at Findhorn.

When you book a programme via our organisers in other countries:
• Your name, address, phone number, email address, nationality, date of birth, gender.
• Personal information in a specialized application form.
• Agreements
This information is stored in a secure place and is used by the InnerLinks organisers, workshop facilitators or trainers to fulfill our contractual obligations and our duty of care responsibilities.

When you arrive and register for a workshop or training:
Your name, address, phone number, email address, nationality.

Personal data will be kept no longer than is necessary. This means that the data will be destroyed or erased from our systems when it is no longer required. Application forms with personal information that you complete in order to be accepted for a workshop or training will be securely deleted or destroyed at the end of the workshop or training.

Game of Transformation workshops:
The contact details (address, phone number and email address) that you give us when you register for the Game of Transformation workshop, or that you update with us afterwards.

During the workshop in which you take part, we will ask you if you consent to

a) our keeping your contact details on file and to let you know of future InnerLinks programmes
b) our making your data (address, phone number and email address) available to other members of the workshop in which you are taking part

We will not give your personal data to third parties.

Transformation Game Facilitator Trainings:
The contact details (address, phone number and email address) that you give us when you do the Transformation Game Facilitators Training, or that you update with us afterwards. These are stored in a secure place. We keep these lists for the health and safety of our organization. We need to be able to check that anyone publicly promoting himself or herself as a Transformation Game facilitator has in fact been accredited to do so through the InnerLinks Transformation Game Facilitators Training. The Transformation Game name and logo are copyrighted and trademarked, and can only be used to promote professional Game workshops, for commercial gain, by people who have successfully completed the training.

We may also keep notes of any coaching or training sessions, conversations or correspondence related to any agreed ongoing coaching or training relationship after the end of the training programme, particularly in the case of provisional accreditation which will require you to do a further supervised accreditation Game.

We also keep details of any pay agreements you may make with InnerLinks until such time as the agreement is fulfilled.

During the training programme in which you take part, we will ask you if you consent to our making your data (address, phone number and email address) available to:

a) other members of the training programme in which you are taking part
b) other accredited facilitators who want to know about and maybe connect with facilitators in their area or country
c) people who contact us looking for a facilitator in their area or country with whom to play a Transformation Game
d) applicants for the Transformation Game Facilitator Training, because we ask training applicants to play a Game with an accredited facilitator before doing the training
e) We will also ask you if you wish to receive occasional mailings of information and newsletters from InnerLinks UK.

You can of course change your mind at any point about your inclusion or otherwise on the facilitator listings.
InnerLinks runs these trainings in conjunction with the Transformation Game Findhorn. Other than with this organisation, who requires your data in order to fulfill their contractual and duty of care responsibilities, we will not share your personal data with third parties.

Frameworks for Change Coaching Process (FCP) Trainings:
The contact details (address, phone number and email address) that you give us when you do the Frameworks for Change Coaching Training, or that you update with us afterwards. These are stored in a secure place. We keep these lists for the health and safety of our organization, to be able to check that those people promoting themselves as Frameworks for Change Coaches are in fact authorized and accredited to do so. The Frameworks for Change name and logo are copyrighted and trademarked, and may only be used to promote programmes for commercial gain by people who have successfully completed the training.

During the training programme in which you take part, we will ask you if you consent to our making your data (address, phone number and email address) available to:

a) other members of the training programme in which you are taking part
b) other accredited FCP coaches who want to know about and maybe connect with other accredited coaches either in their own area or country, or in other countries
c) people who contact us looking for a FCP coach in their area or country with whom to have a coaching session
d) applicants for the Frameworks Coaching Process Training who are seeking knowledge of or experience with the tool

e) We will also ask you if you wish to receive occasional mailings of information and newsletters from InnerLinks UK.

You can of course change your mind at any point about your inclusion or otherwise on the FCP coach listings.

We will not share your personal data with third parties.

The right to be forgotten
At your request, we will remove and destroy all your personal data, except records of any out- standing financial agreement between you and InnerLinks, and other personal data which may need to be retained for authorised legal or regulatory purposes. The record of courses you have attended will be lost. If you come back to InnerLinks at a later date, we will re-start any application process and, if necessary, ask you to provide us with your previous programme experience.

Contact us at innerlinks@findhorn.cc to request the removal of your data.

The following terms and conditions apply to all companies and or persons or other entities (“you”) that are attending any workshop (“Workshop”) organised by Transformation Game Findhorn (“we” or “us”). Please ensure you have read and understand the following:

1. Acceptance of terms and conditions
By completing the booking form for a particular workshop, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out below (“Terms”) and they will be incorporated into the contract between us (“Contract”). You will ensure that you shall comply with these Terms. The Contract is formed when we send you a booking confirmation

2. Booking and Booking Confirmation
The booking for the Workshop shall be made by filling out and submitting the Application Form to workshops@transformationgamefindhorn.com. You expect to receive a Booking Confirmation within 14 days if your application is successful. We reserve the right to decline any applications.

3. Payment
The fee for attending the Training ("Training Fee") will be as stated on the Application Form for the relevant Training. Prices are exclusive of VAT unless expressly stated otherwise. The deposit payment for the Training must be made upon receiving the letter of acceptance. Failure to make payment within 7 days of Booking Confirmation will result in cancellation of your booking, and any refund will be at our discretion. Payment will be made via our merchant account provider (you consent to us passing your necessary details to the merchant account provider and to them processing necessary information about you) or directly to our bank account, as notified to you.

4. Cancellation
There may be circumstances in which we need to cancel the Training. In such circumstances, we will provide you with a full refund of the amount of the Application Fee that you have paid to us and we will make every effort to provide you with such refund within 30 days of the date of cancellation.

5 . Liability and Disclaimer
Our sole liability in relation to any cancellation shall be limited to the price paid by you for such Training and we shall not be liable under any circumstances for any consequential losses.

6. Your obligations
If you act in any way which in our opinion is likely to cause any harm or nuisance to any person at the Training, you will be required to leave the Training and we shall not be liable to refund your Training Fee or any other payment.
You must comply at all times with the health and safety policy of the venue. You must comply with all requests from us or the venue with regard to health and safety and failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave the Training (in which case no refund will be provided). You may not bring any equipment or items of a hazardous or dangerous nature to the Training.
You shall not cause any damage to any part of the venue (including outside areas, and all inside walls, flooring, fixtures and fittings). You are solely liable for any damage caused by you to any such area of the venue and shall fully reimburse us in relation to any damage so caused.
You must keep your personal belongings with you at all times and we accept no liability for any damage to, loss of or theft of any of your belongings or other items brought to the Training by you.

7. Materials at the Training
Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and trademark for any materials used at the Training belongs to InnerLinks and may not be reproduced in any medium (including electronic) without our prior written consent.
You may use such materials for your own personal purposes only and may not reproduce or publish such materials in any way for any commercial use. We reserve the right to change the published programme or materials as we think fit.

8. Photography and filming
You may not photograph or video the Training without our prior consent.

9. Data protection
We will communicate with you using the contact details provided on the Application Form for the purposes of the Training. You agree that we may share your personal data with our partner organisation InnerLinks.

10. Travel, accommodation and refreshments
You shall be responsible for making and paying for your own travel arrangements to and from the Training. If you are late at the Training or prevented from attending the Training due to travel delays or any other circumstances, we shall not be obliged to provide you with a refund or to wait to start the Training until you arrive. Accommodation for the duration of the Training. breakfasts, dinners, and light refreshments shall be provided. We will do our best to accommodate your special dietary requirements but please note this is not always possible. In extreme cases, we might ask you to provide your own meals.

11. Disability, medical conditions and dietary requirements
If you have any disability or medical condition that requires us to make special arrangements for you or any special dietary requirements, please email us at workshops@transformationgamefindhorn as soon as possible and for any Training at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the Training.

12. Limitations of Liability
Whilst every reasonable precaution is taken by us to ensure security and safety at the Training, we shall not in any way be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you whatsoever in relation to the Training, save that nothing in these Terms shall be deemed to limit the liability of any person for death or personal injury caused by negligence.
Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, any fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability for which it is unlawful to exclude or limit liability.
Our total liability for any matter arising out of the Contract shall in all circumstances be limited to the price paid by you for the Training and we shall not in any circumstances be liable to you for any consequential loss whatsoever.

13. Governing law
These Terms shall be governed by Scottish Law and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.