About us
We provide opportunities to play the Transformation Game® at the Findhorn Foundation Community, Scotland.
The Transformation Game can work for anyone and anywhere. And it's true that the magic of Findhorn can accelerate our growth. Come and explore the spiritual community and eco-village. Wander along the beach, in the woods, and the dunes to restore your energy.
We work in partnership with InnerLinks and the Findhorn Foundation.
Our Vision
To fill the world with empowered and soul-infused people.
Our Mission
We provide high-quality Transformation Game workshops and Facilitators to catalyse transformation for all.

We're available for
Meet the Team

Yasko Takahashi
Yasko is a Japanese born accreditted Transformation Game Facilitator, a facilitator trainer to be, and a founder of Transformation Game Findhorn. Since she became a facilitator, she has been working closely with InnerLinks.
After reading a book about the Findhorn Community, she moved to FIndhorn, Scotland in 2005. She worked in many areas of the Findhorn Foundation for 17 years.
Her skill pallete is colourful: Transformation Game Facilitation / Event organiser / Workshop leader / Graphic design / Web design / Digital assistance / Esalen® massage and more. Please visit uplift-findhorn.com to see her other work.
She is passionate to share the Transformation Game with the world and make the Game accessible for many.
Mary Inglis
Mary has been involved with the Transformation Game since 1976 and is managing director, education director, and partner in InnerLinks UK.

Joy Drake
Joy is the originator of the Game of Transformation, an author of Soul Infusions and co-author of the Angel Cards.

Kathy Tyler
Kathy is co-author of the Transformation Game, Intuitive Solutions, the world famous original Angel Cards, and other Game related products.

Judy McAllister
Judy is a senior trainer for the Transformation Game and Frameworks Coaching Process. Currently a staff member of the Findhorn Foundation.
Our Global Network
We have a rich global community of the Transformation Game ambassadars. We’ll add more links to our international colleagues’ page in due course.
Transformation Game Findhorn
The Park, Findhorn, Moray, IV36 3TZ, Scotland UK
Email: info@transformationgamefindhorn.com